
Find Talent

Find Talent

Flexible Staffing Options To Meet Your Unique Needs

Direct Hire

After thoroughly outlining the job description and qualities of the ideal candidate for each client, our strategic recruiting team will find and source candidates for a direct hire. OpalStaff has a proprietary database of nationwide applicants from which to choose.

Contract Employment

We will place a mutually agreed upon OpalStaff contractor with your organization to work on a contract basis in order to fulfill a short or long term need. There is no obligation to employ the contractor once the contract/project is complete.


After passing through OpalStaff’s extensive screening process, a contractor will be placed for an agreed upon time. At the end of the contract period, clients will have the option of taking that person on as a permanent employee, with no additional fee.

Find Top IT & Engineering Talent

At OpalStaff, our expert, responsive team quickly delivers IT staffing and recruiting services for companies of all sizes by leveraging our deep network of existing relationships in many different industries nationwide, using a proven search process with the latest recruiting technologies.

We take the time to fully understand the job description, company culture, work environment, and future goals of every business we partner with. Our specialized recruiters have decades of experience and stay current with the ever-changing work and industry trends.

We focus on our technical recruiting specialties

So that you can stay focused on your core objectives.

Are you looking for a technical professional position, but can’t dedicate the time to conduct an effective search? We know how challenging it can be to fill niche IT roles or navigate the long process of finding a candidate with specialized IT skillsets. That’s why we streamline the traditional recruiting process through our extensive network of niche candidates and clients. By relying on our staffing and recruiting expertise, you will leverage our knowledge of the talent market, for better results in less time — so you can go back to focusing on what’s important.


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Don’t Lose Hope, There’s Always A Company Looking For You

Quickly find top IT talent and streamline your recruitment process with OpalStaff.